Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does anyone have any tips on trying to grow my hair out??

i've had a bob for about 2 years now. i really like it but i want to updat my style. i'm only 14 so my mum won't let me ahve extensions. so i've decided to grow my hair out. i don't want it really long, just so that it covers my shoulders, so it need to grow about another 3 inches. the only problem is it really annoys me. it's still too short to put up, and just feel really strange around my face and neck. also it's quite dry as i live in spain and straighten it quite a lot. i have a conditioning treatment which i use once a week, but i really need tips on how to keep it oin good condition withou cutitng it for about 6 months.

i have bangs and want to keep them, and my hair is heavily razored because it's so thick.can somebody post pics of either mid length hair or sbort hair so i can decide what to do with it. thanks!!

Does anyone have any tips on trying to grow my hair out??

To be completely and truthfully honest, there is no science behind trimming your hair every 6 weeks. What's dead is dead. It will certainly help your hair LOOK better, but it won't help you to elongate your strands. What will is maintaining healthy hair period. Don't shampoo everyday shampoo every other at the most. Showering every day is fine, just condition on the days you are skipping shampooing. This will keep hair clean, as conditioner has some cleaning qualities as well. Unless your hair tends to be greasy, then do that. Also, don't wear hair up when it's wet, this damages and breaks hair, as it is most vulnerable to damage when wet. At night, also leave hair down, don't tie it or clip it up! For the damage from the dry air, keep doing the weekly conditioning treatment, but try this - put the treatment in then tie your hair up in a towel, with the conditioner still on. Leave on for as long as you can, or can stand. It can be itchy I will admit. But the heat from your scalp will help the conditioner absorb and be much much more effective. When you rinse it out, I guarantee it will be the softest and shiniest it has EVER been. :)

Does anyone have any tips on trying to grow my hair out??

To keep it in good condition, use an intensive treatment every 3 days, and you NEED to trim it every 6 weeks at least to keep the ends from splitting and breaking your hair.

As you're growing it you could always put your fringe (bangs) into a quiff and straighten your hair

Does anyone have any tips on trying to grow my hair out??

Keep it healthy! Cut the dead ends off every month or so, and use a shampoo that will keep your hair healthy. Healthy hair grows an inch a month, xtreemly healthy hair grows 1 1/2 inches.

Keep on it, I think you'll look cute with whatever you do. If you can't get it cut, just cut about an inch off and that'll take the dead ends clean.

Does anyone have any tips on trying to grow my hair out??

i would get lots of layers, some short layers on top.. put into it and feathered round the front, with maybe a teardrop fringe, and then you will look like you have a different style already without taking the length you want but cutting out some of the dryness....... good luck xx

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