Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

does wave cream or freqeuent scratching of the hair affect my hair growth at all?

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

I don't think there's really anything you can do to change the time it takes to grow hair....certainly there are things you can do to make your hair healthier, but that's about it.

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

rogain is the ****, and stop scratching the hair

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

Theres not much you can do to make your hair grow faster besides vitamins and eating right. You can replinish your hair with moisture to prevent your hair from drying out and breaking once it does grow. Scratching your scalp does not cause your hair to grow but it has been said that scalp stimulation (massage) can help..... so rub your scalp before you shower... it will help to clear the dead skin and possibly help your hair grow.

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

Are you trying to grow an affrow? If so I have a friend who combs out his fro if he wants it to look bigger then usual. I don't think that you can do anything to make your hair grow faster that won't cost alot of money. The stuff is out there but som can be over 100$ a month easy.

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

Spanish Suregrow. A good grease my daughter uses it she is 2 her hair has grown a lot since using it. They sell it at urban beauty supply stores.

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

First stop washing your hair everyday. you are robbing your hair of its natural oils.

For hair growth start messaging your scalp with the balls of your fingers. While doing this use a hair dressing or hair oil that contains natural herbs,vitamins and minerals.

Does anyone know a fast way to grow hair, for an african american male who washes his hair everyday?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results. Check the source for more information and review.

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