Thursday, October 8, 2009

My hair has grown to armpit - length (lol). How long will it take me to grow it to mid - back length

Eg. Months

((Please don't say that hair grows 1/2 an inch every month and 1 inch every two months. I know that and it doesn't help.))

My hair has grown to armpit - length (lol). How long will it take me to grow it to mid - back length ?

6 months

My hair has grown to armpit - length (lol). How long will it take me to grow it to mid - back length ? short u r..then multiply by 2..that is # of months

My hair has grown to armpit - length (lol). How long will it take me to grow it to mid - back length ?

It depends on how fast your hair grows. Mine took 2 years, but it grows slow.

My hair has grown to armpit - length (lol). How long will it take me to grow it to mid - back length ?

It all depends...but I can tell you that hair grows faster in hot weather...

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