Thursday, October 8, 2009

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

I kind of have a habit of pulling strands of hair out of my head. It's nothing too serious though. I don't have trichotillomania. But anyways, a lot of the hair is growing back now and whenever I get out of the shower, its like all sticking up on top of my head and looks all frizzy and i got to put a lot of hairspray. what can i do to make it grow faster?

p.s im 12 years old

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

if you eat more protein it will make it grow a little faster., after all all hair is dead protein. hope that helped some. =]

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

um stop pulling your hair out. and. don't put some much stuff on your head. i know trimming the ends of your hair makes it grow faster but i'm not sure about the top of your head.

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

Umm. I don't really know if you can do anything to make hair grow faster. I just know it grows half an inch in 1 month.

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

You can use patience... and stop pulling your hair. The fact that theres enough being pulled to notice probably means you have a problem.

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

i don't want to lecture you on not pulling your hair... a good way to keep those frizzies down is to use a cuticle (where your hair grows from) sealent. it will protect your new growth where the hair is growing in, and also the rest of your hair from split ends and root breakage. good luck!

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

i have the same prob and it sucks

ps dont use hair spray use gel

What can I use to re-grow the hair on top of my head faster? =] any advice?

sometimes it is better if you do not use a lot of chemicals on your hair and stay away from heat (curling irons). use a nice conditioner and be gentle with your hair.

if you do have a habit of pulling out your hair, you need to get an understanding of why you do this so you can stop. ask your mom or dad is you can see a therapist or a doctor. if that does not work, try your school counselor.

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