i left my puppy in a car for about 45 minutes with the windows down. he got dehydrated, so we brought him to a nearby hospital. in the hospital, he stayed overnight with iv fluid and shots and sugar to raise blood sugar levels and other medicine. in the morning he looked better and could walk and jog. now he's doing all of his normal activities.
i don't know if his leg hurts or not. (it was shaven at the hospital) it is a ring of shaven area on his right leg. when i touch it, it seems to not hurt him...but there are red dots on it. not a lot, like a total of about 6-10. not on the outside, the inside. my family assures me it's okay, but i wanted to ask those of you who are vets, training to be vets, breeders, and those with experience.
%26amp; how long will the hair take to grow?
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
the bumps could be irritation from the razor, and the hair takes as long as it would take you to grow back your hair if you shaved it. Although my boss was telling me that some dogs have a rare condition causing their hair to not grow back! It is not a problem, just one of those weird things! the doc said he witnessed it when a show dog came in and needed surgery, he shaved the leg to put the catheter in and the owner came back in cause the hair didnt grow back, and it never did! You can put neosporin on the bumps if you want, it couldn't hurt and its the same thing as the ointments the vet might give you.
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
Well it depends on the how long it will take to let the hair grow back, for your red spots if you don't think it's ok go to the vet and ask what it is and if it's going to be ok. Its probably ok and just marks from the injections and all that.
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
I know that you will NEVER leave your pet unattended in a vehicle again, right? You are most fortunate your pup survived as many do not.
From your description it sounds as if his leg was shaved so the attending vet could put the cath (needle insert) in, to adminster meds or IV's as needed. That's normal procedure. The little red dots could be that he was shaved either too close, or with a dull clipper and his skin is irritated. It doesn't appear to bother him, but keep an eye on it over the next week to see if he is licking at it or if begins to ooze or the tissue gets inflamed. If any of the 3 occur, please call your vet. As well, if it truly is of concern to you, please take him back to the vet and have him scope it out just for reassurance.
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
It sounds like that is where the IV was. That is where we put them and the red dots are normal from an iv puncture. The hair will grow back fine in about 3 months. Just be glad that he is ok.
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
May just be some irritation from the shaving, the scrubbing and the tape used to secure the iv catheter. Should be fine, especially if the dog is leaving it alone. Hair will grow back in couple weeks.
Is my shih-tzu's right leg okay? How long will it take to grow back hair?
Its from the IV...he will be fine.,.