Thursday, July 30, 2009

Should i grow my hair?!!?

Yowzah!!!!!!!! I'm fourteen, a girl. And i have short layered black hair with emo fringe. Should i grow it out long? I was thinking of not going to cut it forever till it looks horrendous haha what do you think of my plan think it's greatttt haha just kidding.

ok opinions please and a kissy for the best answer muacksssssss!

Should i grow my hair?!!?

Hell yea! Thats i freakin awesome plan!... But if you dont fell like it, it sounds like you alredy have a kick *** haircut anyway!

Should i grow my hair?!!?

hmm, if you want you can grow it out for a little bit, and when it's longer you can cut it again to the way you want it.

Should i grow my hair?!!?

yes grow it long thats sounds better than what you have. talk to your hairdresser though if they told you that then YESSSSSS! if u do grow it long make sure to get trims so u dont have split ends which is so gross!!!

Should i grow my hair?!!?

1.put rosemary oil in ur hair or coconut oil

2. Drink water(LOTS)

3. Execerise %26amp; eat Healthy

4. Stand on your head for 10 mins (5min in the morning%26amp; 5 mins at night)

5. go to wal-mart and get this tablets called "Hair, Skin, %26amp;Nails"....=] (in a pink case)



Should i grow my hair?!!?

grow your hair and use conditioner, detanglers, avoid gell, spray and anything with alcohol, because it dries your hair.

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