Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Has anyone heard of birthcontrol pills in your shampoo helping you hair grow faster??

I was told that if you put birthcontrol pills in your shampoo that it will make your hair grow fast and thicker...is that true?? three people have told me it works...is there any side effects?

Has anyone heard of birthcontrol pills in your shampoo helping you hair grow faster??

Yes, this method works excellently. I know of little to no side effects. In about 10-12 DAYS it will already have grown an inch. Just crush up the pills and put them into your shapoo. I know it works.

Has anyone heard of birthcontrol pills in your shampoo helping you hair grow faster??

Hair can't be made to grow through the external application of ANY substance - that which is visible is DEAD! Despite what some idiotic commercials say, you CANNOT nourish hair through the application of any shampoo, any straightener, any moisturizer or any other hair care product.

Has anyone heard of birthcontrol pills in your shampoo helping you hair grow faster??


Heaven help me, I think I'm gonna blow a gasket!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Has anyone heard of birthcontrol pills in your shampoo helping you hair grow faster??

NO!!! Hair grows at 1/2 an inch a month and nothing will make it grow any faster. Iv'e never heard that one before but I have heard some lame home remedies about hair growth. You can buy special vitamins for hair and nails that will make hair stronger and healthier and some people even take prenatal vitamins for it. maybe thats where these people are getting that from.

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