Thursday, July 23, 2009

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

im black and i was wondering do u sapose 2 put grease on ya sclap because i herd that ya hair doesnt grow if u put grease on ya scalp and if u dont have alot of hair DO NOT tell me how 2 grow my hair


What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

well im dominican and worked at a hair salon.never put grease directly on ur scalp.I know its a popular thing to do but it clogs the pores in your scalp and deprives your hair follicle of oxygen.If your follicle cant breath the hair will "die" ( i kno hair is already dead protein) and fall out.If you really want your hair to grow shampoo and condition it like u would,but make sure you rinse the conditioner from your scalp.Then buy this lil bottle of cinnamon liqiud and apply it to your scalp with a cotton ball.I cant tell you were to buy this because we used to import it from the dominican republic at my salon.try going to a dominican salon and ask them if they have cinnamon.check a beauty supply store also.hope this helps.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

well i have heard from several girls that there is some kind of shampoo that you can get at walmart that they use to help horses hair grow. it supposedly smells good and is fine for ppl to use.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

the dark and lovely products work amazing my hair is past my shoulders from their products

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

Mane and Tail (originally created to make horse's tails and manes silky and smooth) actually works very well. Several of us have tried it with great results. Some stores have it (shampoo and conditioner) in with the shampoos. Others have it on the pet aisle. Plus it makes your hair shiny and gorgeous.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

it doesnt matter if u put grease

but i wouldnt

answer back my question on my hair, body

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

Well, I am black too and I do got a lot of hair. My hair is down to my butt so let me give you the 411 on how my hair grew out so long. Well, you know Sally's Beauty Supply? Don't use their greace. Use their hair lotion called Motions or Pink. I have been using those since I was a baby. Also, cut off ya dead ends because once they are gone it allows your hair to grow. And; their is a special hair supplier called T-tree and you can find them at Sally's Beauty Supply too. I put that on the ruff parts of my hair. It helps make it softer and more moustirized. Hope that helps!! And whatever you do, no grease. %26lt;%26gt;PS%26lt;%26gt; I AM NOT CHINESE, MY AVATAR IS MESSIN UP. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS LIKE THAT.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

Do not cover up your follicles. Keep yr scalp clean. I don't hv yr hair type but I will let u know this... the hair on the outside of yr body is dead. Be sure yr scalp is not covered in hair "junk".

U must make sure that oxygen gets to the root of yr hair.

Don't wash it everyday... the natural oils in yr scalp are needed to keep yr hair healthy. I hope this info helps you.

Yr lucky... if u live in North America we are heading into the growing season... vitamin d from sunshine. The biggest growth period is August.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

Find a spray or shampoo/conditioner that is protein based -- preferably albumin. I use Terax shampoo which is imported from Italy, and can be bought online or ordered from a salon. There are other kinds, though, you just have to ask a stylist.

I don't think that moisturizing your hair with grease or Pink or anything else will affect the effectiveness of the shampoo. When you wash your hair, the protein is worked into your scalp and your roots, so I don't think moisturizing should be a problem.

What are good products to use, when you want your hair to grow?

Try lush new shampoo bar, it stimulates hair growth and I am happy with the results:

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